In the previous section, we established that one-mode PDF's can deviate
from the Rayleigh distributions if the flux of probability in the amplitude
space is not equal to zero. However, in the full -mode amplitude space,
the flux lines cannot originate or terminate, i.e. there the probability
``sources'' and ``sinks'' are impossible, see (69).
Even adding forcing or dissipation into the dynamical equations does not
change this fact because this can only modify the expression for the flux (see
the Appendix) but it
cannot change the PDF continuity equation (65).
Thus, presence of the finite flux for the
one-point PDF's corresponds to deviation of the flux lines from the straight
lines in the
-mode amplitude space. The global structure of such
a solution in the
-mode space corresponds to a
probability vortex. This probability vortex is illustrated in figure ? which
sketches its projection onto a a 2D plane corresponding to one low-wavenumber and one
high-wavenumber amplitudes. Taking 1D sections of this vortex one observes
a positive one-mode flux at high
and a negative
one-mode flux at low
, in accordance with the numerical observations of
figure 2.