In this paper, we reviewed recent work in the field of Wave Turbulence devoted
to study non-Gaussian aspects of the wave statistics, intermittency,
validation of the phase and amplitude randomness, higher
spectral moments and fluctuations. We also presented some new results,
particularly derivation of
the analog of the Peierls-Brout-Prigogine equation for the four-wave systems.
The wavefileds we dealt with are,
generally, characterised by non-decaying correlations along certain directions
in the coordinate space. These fields are typical for WT because, due to weak
nonlinearity, wavepackets preserve identity over long distances. One of the
most common examples of such long-correlated fields is given by the typical
initial condition in numerical simulations where the phases are random but the
amplitudes are chosen to be deterministic. We showed that wavefields can
develop enhanced probabilities of high amplitudes at some wavenumbers which
corresponds to intermittency. Simultaneously, at other wavenumbers, the
probability of high amplitudes can be depleted with respect to Gaussian
statistics. We showed that both PDF tail enhancement and its depletion related
to presence of a probability flux in the amplitude space (which is positive for
depletion and negative for the enhancement). We speculated that the -dimensional
space of
amplitudes, these fluxes correspond to an
probability vortex. We argued that presence of such vortex is prompted by
non-existence of a zero-amplitude-flux solution corresponding to the KZ spectrum with
de-correlated amplitudes. Finding such a probability vortex solution
analytically remains a task for future.