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Let us begin our treatment with the simple one-loop (or direct
interaction) approximation for mass operators
This approximation corresponds to taking into account just the second
order (in bare vertex
(2.20)) diagrams for the mass operators
. Two loop approximation will be considered in
Appendix C. We will estimate two-loops diagrams and we will show, that
some of them gives the same order contribution to
one-loop diagrams. Therefore, one loop approximation is an
uncontrolled approximation, but we believe, that it gives
qualitatively correct results. Note that these diagrams include the
dressed Green's function in contrast to the approximation of kinetic
equation which is nothing but one-loop approximation with the bare
Green's function inside. We will see later that this difference is
very important in particular case of acoustic turbulence. The KE for
waves with linear dispersion law forbids the angular evolution of
energy because conservation laws of energy and momentum allow
interaction only for waves with parallel wave vectors. In the
one-loop approximation with dressed Green's function, the conservation
are satisfied with some accuracy [of the order of
]. As a result, there exists a cone of allowed angles between
in which interactions are allowed.
Therefore one has to expect some angle evolution of wave packages
within this approximation. Combining (4.11) with (4.15) one
has the following expression:
n({\bf k},\omega)=\frac{2 \gamma({\bf k})\tilde n({\bf k})}
{[\omega-\omega({\bf k})]^2+ \gamma^2(k)} \ .
\end{displaymath}](img387.png) |
(78) |
Next: Calculations of
Up: Diagrammatic Approach to Acoustic
Previous: The double correlation function
Dr Yuri V Lvov