Our intent is to use the FPU model to scrutinize a ``weak turbulence'' (WT) theory, a nonequilibrium statistical mechanical theory which attempts to describe the dynamical energy transfer among normal modes in a weakly nonlinear, dispersive, extended system [#!djb:nlrwd!#,#!jb:rwc!#,#!kh:onlet1!#,#!bbk:pt!#,#!acn:wtaai!#,#!acn:wti!#,#!vez:kst1!#]. The theory has been developed over the last four decades to describe the energy transfer in wave dynamics primarily in fluids and plasmas [#!acn:wtaai!#,#!acn:wti!#,#!vez:kst1!#], among other novel applications such as semiconductors [#!yvl:qwtas!#,#!yvl:ffsqb!#,#!yvl:slks!#].
These systems are generally too complex for effective comparison of the weak turbulence theory with direct numerical simulations. Only in recent years has a simple one-dimensional model with features representative of such fluid systems been explored by Cai, Majda, McLaughlin, and Tabak [#!dc:sbdwt!#,#!dc:dwtod!#,#!ajm:odmdw!#] to examine the assumptions underlying WT theory. We propose to apply the FPU model for a similar purpose, though the issues on which we focus are distinct. The implications of our studies for the framework of WT theory will be taken up in other works [#!prk:awttf!#].
Here we will present the content of our findings as they inform the
relaxation process in the FPU model in the stochastic but
weakly nonlinear regime. We will restrict attention to the version of FPU model, which has purely quadratic nonlinearity
in the equations of motion (Section 2).
version (with cubic
nonlinearity) seems to be the subject of more work [#!ca:nmaps!#,#!jdl:ftetl!#,#!xl:dame!#,#!vvm:cbfce!#,#!pp:esfpu!#,#!pp:swtsr!#], but the
version has attributes which make it more suitable for a first test
case for WT theory. Most of the previous statistical mechanical
work concerning the FPU models of
which we are aware
focuses primarily on computing particular statistical measures of the
process, such as the time until equipartition is reached
[#!jdl:ftetl!#,#!pp:swtsr!#], the
Lyapunov exponents characterizing the degree of
chaos [#!lc:fpupr!#,#!td:memle!#,#!pp:esfpu!#,#!dls:lecfp!#], or more exotic quantities characterizing the
geometry of the trajectories [#!ca:qhpsf!#,#!mcs:psgst!#].
Another recent line of research has been tracing the path of energy
transfer starting from a small set of excited
modes [#!gc:retip!#,#!ky:mioda!#,#!ky:preei!#].
Because the WT
theory has the potential to describe the process of
energy transfer in the system from beginning to end,
we have instead sought to characterize the
entire evolution of the energy spectrum from large-scale excitation to
eventual equipartition. We will consider the energy transfer in
spectral terms, in contrast to the physical space viewpoint developed
for the
-FPU model by Lichtenberg and coworkers [#!vvm:cbfce!#].
The energy spectrum in the -FPU model approaches equilibrium through a series of
qualitatively distinct phases which we illustrate in Section 3.
At the initial time, the energy is concentrated in a small set of
low-wavenumber modes. This energy then proceeds to higher wavenumbers
first through a standard superharmonic cascade, and then
shifts to a nonlocal transfer of energy from low wavenumbers
to a band of intermediate wavenumber modes. The energy in this
intermediate wavenumber band then rolls back through an inverse
cascade to lower wavenumbers again. This process
then creates approximate equipartition
only over a set of modes extending up to a cutoff wavenumber, beyond
which the energy content falls off exponentially
rapidly [#!ac:tdsrb!#,#!lg:peels!#]. We refer
to the location of the transition between the flat and rapidly
decaying parts of the energy spectrum as the ``knee.''
After presenting this pictorial ``life history'' of a large-scale
excitation in the -FPU system, we present in
Section 4 some specific
quantitative predictions of WT theory and compare them with the
numerical results. At the coarsest level, WT theory suggests the
presence of two nonlinear time scales. Over the first nonlinear time
scale, energy is exchanged through triads of modes
which remain resonant over this time scale. A
consideration of the resonances in the dispersion relation indicates
that only modes of sufficiently small wavenumber can participate in
nearly resonant triads [#!dls:lecfp!#]. This in turn suggests that
this triad interaction phase should correspond to the formation
of the partial equipartition up to the knee. The subsequent
relaxation of the energy spectrum to global equipartition requires the
slower energy exchange among resonant quartets of normal modes, which are much
more abundant. Our present
focus is on the triad interaction phase.
An adaptation of the WT theory allows predictions of both the order of magnitude of the time scale and the location of the knee which agree excellently with direct numerical simulation.