Figure 1 shows a sequence of ensemble averaged
spectra for a lattice of length and nonlinearity strength
at times
displaced for ease of viewing.
The evolution proceeds from a set of
initially excited modes
to a superharmonic cascade to all wave numbers
with exponentially decreasing energy by
. By
the initial band has transferred much of its energy to
intermediate wavenumbers, forming a slight hump. Thereafter, this hump
of energy rolls back via an inverse cascade
to low wavenumbers. At
, the energy spectrum exhibits
a plateau at low wavenumbers and an exponential falloff
at higher wavenumbers.
This last spectrum is the motivation for
the term ``knee'', below which the waves are in equipartition and
above which they are not substantially
excited [#!ac:tdsrb!#,#!lg:peels!#].
spectrum evolves over much longer time scales, eventually arriving
at equipartition throughout.
Figure 2 shows a similar experiment with a larger ensemble
(20 realizations), and
The initial excitation band is very much smaller, including
only 20 waves. Again spectra are displaced and in this example
are shown at
Energy is driven first to an intermediate range of wavenumbers which saturate.
Subsequently, an inverse cascade of energy extends the band of
equilibration backward to lower wavenumbers
, at which point only the lowest
wavenumber has yet to reach equipartition. At
spectrum is quasi-stationary, equipartition
being achieved among all wavenumbers less than
. The
energy in larger wavenumbers decreases rapidly. At
the highest modes begin to acquire energy. Eventually the
whole spectrum will arrive at equipartition; this process
is outside of the scope of the current work.