The new Hamiltonian formalism that is presented in this paper should
be crucial for extending the WT theory to the spatially inhomogeneous
systems. In the spatially homogeneous systems, quadratic term in the
Hamiltonian corresponds to the first term in Eq. (70).
Effect of space inhomogeneity leads to the appearance of the
derivative terms in the Hamiltonian, which correspond to the slow
dynamics along the rays in the
-space. This effect will
lead to an interesting interplay of inhomogeneity and non-linearity in
wave turbulence systems. More specifically, linear dispersion relation
becomes spatially dependent. Consequently, the resonance conditions
change as waves propagate through inhomogeneous environment. As a
result of this, waves will remain in resonance for a limited
amount of time, or the members of the resonant triads will change from
position to position. The physical implication of this effect may be
the weakened flux of energy or other conserved quantities through the
wavenumber space. Other effect may be an effective broadening of the
resonances, as resonances will be altered from place to place, so the
wavepacket propagating through the inhomogeneous environment will be
affected by averaged dispersion relation. Another potentially
interesting effect is an effective three-wave interactions in a
four-wave weak turbulence systems, where the role of fourth wave is
played by inhomogeneity.
In order to develop a Wave Turbulence theory for spatially
inhomogeneous systems, the kinetic equation has to be obtained for the
cases with such finite-time wave resonances. This is an exciting task
for the future work.