We have further focused our attention on the particular system with
the nearest neighbor interactions -- the famous FPU chain. We have
confirmed that the general renormalization framework that we
discussed above is consistent with the numerical observations. In
particular, we have shown that the renormalized dispersion of the
thermalized -FPU chain is in excellent agreement with the
numerical one for a wide range of the nonlinearity strength. We have
further demonstrated that the renormalized dispersion is a direct
consequence of the trivial resonant interactions of the renormalized
waves. Using a self-consistency argument, we have found an
approximation of the renormalization factor via a mean-field
approximation. In addition, we have used the multiple time-scale,
statistical averaging method to obtain the theoretical prediction of
the spatiotemporal spectrum and demonstrated that the renormalized
waves have long lifetimes. We note that the results obtained here
can be extended to general nonlinear potentials with the nearest
neighbor interactions.
The scenario of the wave behavior in the thermal equilibrium we
obtained here may suggest a theoretical framework for the
application of the wave turbulence to -FPU in the situation
of near-equilibrium.