Optional final project is consists of inclass 15 minutes presentation
and a final written report on the topic of your choice where you use
methods of differential equation to solve some cool problem.
Time line for final project:
- stage one - you think about what you want to do, talk to your
friends, talk to me, bounce ideas of the wall -
September 7, 2024.
- stage 2- you submit to me a title and a one page description of
your project
September 15, 2024
to me.
- stage 3
I choose 3 or 4 best projects and will notify you if you are selected.
- stage 4 - you present to me your talk
October 15, 2024
- stage 4 you give in-class presentation and answer questions
November 15, 2024
- Last day of classes - you give me your written report in LATEX format
December 8, 2024
Submission of your final report constitutes your agreement to
wave all the copyrights of your report. It may be made available to
other DFQ students. To be eligible for a final project, your grade
with out final project should be C or above