In Problem 6 draw a direction field
for the given differential equation. Based on the direction
field, determine the behavior of as
. If this behavior depends on the initial value of
, describe this dependency.
15. A pond initially contains 1,000,000 gal of water and an unknown amount of an undersirable chemical. Water containing 0.01 gram of this chemical per gallon flows into the pond at a rate of 300 gal/min. The mixture flows out at the same rate so the amount of water in the pond remains constant. Assume that the chemical is uniformly distributed throughout the pond.
(a) Write a differential equation whose solution is the amount of the chemical in the pond at any time.
(b) How much of the chemical will be in the pond after a very long time? Does this limiting amount depend on the amount that was present initially?
In Problem 1.(a) solve the following initial value
problem and plot the solutions for several values of .
Then describe in a few words how the solutions resemble, and
differ from, each other.
1.(a) ;
In Problem 1 determine the order of the given differential equaiton; also state whether the equation is linear or nonlinear.
In Problem 11 verify that the given function or function is a solution of differential equations.
In Problem 19 determine the values of for which
the given differential equation has solutions of the form
2.1 - In Problem 10:
(a) Draw a direction field for the given differential equation.
(b) Based on an
inspection of the direction field, describe how solutions
behave for large
(c) Find the general solution of the given
differential equation and use it to determine how solutions
behave as
In Problem 13 find the solution of the given initial value problem.
In Problem 22:
(a) Draw a direction field for the
given differential equation. How do solutions appear to behave
as becomes large? Does the behavior depend on the choice of
the initial value
? Let
be the value of
for which
the transition from one type of behavior to another occurs.
Estimate the value of
(b) Solve the initial
value problem and find the critical value exactly.
(c) Describe the behavior of the solution correponding
to the initial value .
2.2 - In Problem 9:
(a) Find the solution of the given initial value problem in explicit form.
(b) Plot the graph of the solution.
(c) Determine (at least approximately) the interval in which the solution is defined.
22. Solve the initial value problem
and determine the interval in which the solution is valid. Hint: To find the interval of definition, look for points where the integral curve has a vertical tangent.
24. Solve the initial value problem
3. A tank originally contains 100 gal of fresh
water. Then water containing lb of salt per
gallon is poured into the tank at a rate of 2 gal/min, and the
mixture is allowed to leave at the same rate. After 10 min the
process is stopped, and fresh water is poured into the tank at
a rate of 2 gal/min, with the mixture again leaving at the same
rate. Find the amount of salt in the tank at the end of an
additional 10 min.
10. A home buyer can afford to spend no more that $800/month on mortgage payments. Suppose that the interest rate is 9% and that the term of the mortgage is 20 years. Assume that interest is compounded continuously and that payments are also made continuously.
(a) Determine the maximum amount that this buyer can afford to borrow.
(b) Determine the total interest paid during the term of the mortgage.
Problem 3 involves equation of the form . Sketch the graph of
, determine the
critical (equilibrium) points, and classify each one as
asymptotically stable or unstable.
Problem 9 involves equation of the form . Sketch the graph of
, determine the
critical (equilibrium) points, and classify each one as
asymptotically stable, unstable, or semistable (see Problem
Problem 7 Semistable Equlibrium Solutions. Sometimes a constant equilibrium solution has the property that solutions lying on one side of the equilibrium solution tend to approach it, whereas solutions lying on the other side depart from it (see Figure 2.5.10). In this case the equilibrium solution is said to be semistable.
(a) Consider the equation
where is a positive constant. Show that
is the only critical point, with the corresponding equilibrium
(b) Sketch versus
. Show that
increasing as a function of
and also for
. Thus solutions below the equilibrium solution approach
it, while those above it grow farther away. Therefore
is semistable.
(c) Solve Eq. (i) subject to initial condition and confirm the conclusions reach in part (b).
In Problem 9 involve equations of the form . Sketch the graph of
, determine the
critical (equilibrium) points, and classify each one as
asymptotically stable, unstable, or semistable (see Problem 7).
18. A pond forms as water collects in a conical
depression of radius and depth
. Suppose that water
flows in at a constant rate
and is lost through evaporation
at a rate proportional to the surface.
(a) Show that the volume of water in the pond
at time
satisfies the differential equation
(b) Find the equilibrium depth of water in the pond. Is the equilibrium asymptotically stable?
(c) Find a condition that must be satisfied if the pond is not to overflow.
In Problem 9 find the solution of the given initial
value problem. Sketch the graph of the solution and describe
its behavior as increases.
17. Find a differential equation whose general
solution is
21. Solve the initial value problem
. Then find
so that the solution approaches zero as
In Problem 12 determine the longest interval in which the given initial value problem is certain to have a unique twice differentiable solution. Do not attempt to find the solution.
18. If the Wronskian of
and if
, find
In Problem 25 verify that the functions and
are solutions of the given differential equation. Do they
constitute a fundamental set of solutions?
9. The Wronskian of two functions is
. Are the functions linearly independent or linearly
dependent? Why?
In Problem 18 find the Wronskian of two solutions of the given differential equation without solving the equation.
In Problem 24 assume that and
are continuous,
and that the functions
are solutions of the
differential equation
on an open interval
24. Prove that if and
are zero at the
same point in
, then they cannot be a fundamental set of
solutions on that interval.
In Problem 18 find the solution of the given initial
value problem. Sketch the graph of the solution and describe
its behavior for increasing .
27. Show that
In Problem 1 find the general solution of the given differential equation.
18. Consider the initial value problem
(b) Find the critical value of that
separates solutions that become negative from those that are
always positive.
In Problem 23 use the method of reduction of order to find a second solution of the given differential equation.
In Problem 36 use the method of Problem 33 to find a secomd indepenent solution of the given equation
In Problem 1, 3, and 7 find the general solution of the given differential equation.
2. In Problem 2 determine and
so as to write the given expression in the form
A. A mass weighing 32 lbs stretches a spring 2
ft at equilibrium. If the mass is pushed upward and released
with an initial velocity of 4 ft/sec (downward), find .
Also find
and sketch the graph of
B. A spring/mass system is modeled by the
initial value problem:
(a) Give a qualitatively accurate sketch of
for each indicated value of
In Problem 1 and 7 either solve the given boundary value problem or else show that it has no solution.
In Problem 11 find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the given boundary value problem. Assume that all eigenvalues are real.
In Problems 14 and 16
(a) Sketch the graph of the given function for three
(b) Find the Fourier series for the given function.
In Problem 19
(a) Sketch the graph of the given function for three
(b) Find the Fourier series for the givenfunction.
(c) Plot versus
= 5, 10, and 20.
(d) Describe how the Fourier series seems to be converging.
In Problems 2 and 5 assume that the given function is periodically extended outside the original interval.
(a) Find the Fourier series fore the extended
(b) Sketch the graph of the function to which the series
converges for three periods.
In Problems 1 and 2 determine whether the given function is even, odd, or neither.
In Problem 7 a function is given on an interval
of length
. In each case sketch the graphs of the even and
odd extensions of
of period
In Problem 15 find the required Fourier series for the given function and sketch the graph of the function to which the series converges over three periods.
In Problem 2 determine whether the method of separation of variables can be used to replace the given partial differential equation by a pair of ordinary differential equations.
A. Consider the two-point boundary value
. Find all eigenvalues
and corresponding
Consider the conduction of heat in a rod 40 cm in
length whose ends are maintained at for all
. Find an expression for the temperature
if the
initial temperature distribution in the rod is the given
function. Suppose that
In Problem 1 find the steady-state solution of the
heat conductive equation
, that satisfies
the given set of boundary conditions.
9. Let an aluminum rod of length 20 cm be initially
at the uniform temperature of 25C. Suppose that at
the end
is cooled to 0
C while the end
is heated to 60
C, and both are thereafter
maintained at those temperatures.
(a) Find the temperature distributions in the rod at
any time .
(b) Plot the initial temperature distribution, the final (steady-state) temperature distribution, and the temperature distribution at two representative intermediate times on the same set of axes.
(c) Plot versus
, 10, and 15.
In Problem 4 transform the given equation into a system of first order equations.
18. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 7.1.2. Let
, and
be the current through the capacitor,
resistor, and inductor, respectively. Likewise, let
, and
be the corresponding voltage drops. The arrows denote
the arbitrarily chosen directions in which currents and voltage
drops will be taken to be positive.
(a) Applying Kirchhoff's second law to the upper loop in the circuit, show that
1. If A =
B =
(a) 2A + B (b)
A 4B
(c) AB (d) BA
In Problem 22 verify that the given vector satisfies the given differential equation
In Problem 4 either solve the given set of equations, or else show that there is no solution.
In Problem 7. determine whether the given set of vectors is linearly independent. If linearly dependent, find a linear relation among them. The vectors are written as row vectors to save space, but may be considered as column vectors; that is, the transposes of the given vectors may be used instead of the vectors themselves.
In Problem 15 find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix.
In Problem 24 find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix.
In Problem 3 and 5 find the general solution of the
given system of equations and describe the behavior of the
solution as
. Also draw a direction
field and plot a few trajectories of the system.
In Problem 15 solve the given initial value
problem. Describe the behavior of the solution as
In Problem 27 the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a
matrix is given. Consider the corresponding system
(a) Sketch a phase portrait of the system.
(b) Sketch the trajectory passing through the initial point (2, 3).
(c) For the trajectory in part (b) sketch the graphs
of versus
and of
on the same set of
In Problem 1 and 3 express the general solution of
the given system of equations in terms of real-valued
functions. Also draw a direction field, sketch a few of the
trajectories, and describe the behavior of the solution as
In Problem 15 the coefficient matrix contains a
. In this problem:
(a) Determine the eigenvalues in terms of .
(b) Find the critical value of values of
where the qualitative nature of the phase portrait for the
system changes.
(c) Draw a phase portrait for a value of
slightly below, and for another value slightly above, each
critical value.
9.1 For each of the systems in Problems 1 and 5:
(a) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
(b) Classify the critical point (0, 0) as to type and determine whether it is stable, asymptotically stable, or unstable.
(c) Sketch several trajectories in the phase plane
and also sketch some typical graphs of versus
(d) Use a computer to plot accurately the curves requested in part (c).
In Problem 1 sketch the trajectory corresponding to
the solution satisfying the specified initial conditions, and
indicate the direction of motion for increasing .
For each of the systems in Problem 5:
(a) Find all the critical points (equilibrium solutions).
(b) Use a computer to draw a direction field and phase portrait for the system.
(c) From the plot(s) in part (b) determine whether each critical point is asymptotically stable, stable, or unstable, and classify it as to type.
A. Consider the autonomous system ;
(a) Find all critical points.
(b) Find an equation of the form
satisfied by solutions.
(c) Plot for several
-values using
MAPLE; indicate the direction of motion along trajectories.
Problem 1 verify that (0, 0) is a critical point, show that the system is almost linear, and discuss the type and stability of the critical point (0, 0) by examining the corresponding linear system.
In Problem 5:
(a) Determine all critical points of the given system of equations.
(b) Find the corresponding linear system near each critical point.
(c) Find the eigenvalues of each linear system. What conclusions can you then draw about the nonlinear system?
(d) Draw a phase portrait of the nonlinear system to confirm your conclusions, or to extend them in those cases where the linear system does not provide definite information about the nonlinear system.
17. Consider the autonomous system
(b) Sketch the trajectories for the corresponding
linear system by integrating the equation for . Show
from the parametric form of the solution that the only
trajectory on which
(c) Determine the trajectories for the nonlinear
system by integrating the equation for . Sketch the
trajectories for the nonlinear system that correspond to
for the linear system.