However, there are two important ways in which the semiconductor laser differs from and is more complicated than the traditional two-level laser model. First, there is a continuum of bandgaps parameterized by the electron momentum and the laser output is a weighted sum of contributions from polarizations corresponding to electron-hole pairs at each momentum value. In this feature, the semiconductor laser resembles an inhomogeneosly broadened two level laser. Second, electrons and holes interact with each other via Coulomb forces. Although this interaction is screened by the presence of many electrons and holes, it is nonetheless sufficiently strong to lead to a nonlinear coupling between electrons and holes at different momenta. The net effect of these collisions is a redistribution of carriers (the common name for both electrons and holes) across the momentum spectrum. In fact it is the fastest ( fs.) process (for electric field pulses of duration greater than picoseconds) and because of this, the gas of carriers essentially relaxes to a distribution corresponding to an equilibrium of this collision process. This equilibrium state is commonly taken to be that of thermodynamic equilibrium for fermion gases, the Fermi-Dirac distribution characterized by two parameters, the chemical potential and temperature , slightly modified by the presence of broadband pumping and damping.
But the Fermi-Dirac distribution is not the only equilibrium of the collision process. There are other stationary solutions, called finite flux equilibria, for which there is a finite and constant flux of carriers and energy across a given spectral window. The Fermi-Dirac solution has zero flux of both quantities. It is the aim of this letter to suggest that these finite flux equilibria are more relevant to situations in which energy and carriers are added in one region of the spectrum, redistributed via collision processes to another region where they are absorbed. Moreover, it may be advantageous to pump the laser in this way because such a strategy may partially overcome the deleterious effects of Pauli blocking. The Pauli exclusion principle means that two electrons with the same energy and spin cannot occupy the same state at a given momentum. This leads to inefficiency because the pumping is effectively multiplied by a factor for electrons and holes respectively, denoting the probability of not finding electron (hole) in a certain (used to denote both momentum and spin) state. But, near the momentum value corresponding to the lasing frequency , is large ( must exceed unity) and Pauli blocking significant. Therefore, pumping the laser in a window about in such a way that one balances the savings gained by lessening the Pauli blocking (because the carriers density decreases with ) with the extra input energy required (because is larger), and then using the finite flux solution to transport carriers (and energy) back to lasing frequency, seems an option worth considering. The aim of this letter is to demonstrate, using the simplest possible model, that this alternative is viable. More detailed results using more sophisticated (but far more complicated) models will be given later.
These finite flux equilibria are the analogies of the Kolmogorov spectra
associated with fully developed, high Reynolds number hydrodynamic
turbulence and the wave turbulence of surface gravity waves on the sea. In
the former context, energy is essentially added at large scales (by
stirring or some instability mechanism), is dissipated at small
(Kolmogorov and smaller) scales of the order of less than the inverse
three quarter power of the Reynolds number. It cascades via nonlinear
interactions from the large scales to the small scales through a window of
transparency (the inertial range in which neither forcing nor damping is
important) by the constant energy flux Kolmogorov solution. Indeed, for
hydrodynamic turbulence, the analogue to the Fermi-Dirac distribution,
the Rayleigh-Jeans spectrum of
equipatitions, is irrelevant altogether. The weak turbulence of surface
gravity waves is the classical analogue of the case of weakly interacting
fermions. The mechanism for energy and carrier density (particle number)
transfer is "energy" and "momentum" conserving binary collisions
satisfying the "four wave resonance" conditions