In the high-frequency limit ,
one could conceivably neglect the
effects of the rotation of the Earth.
The dispersion relation (12) then becomes
The azimuthally-integrated kinetic equation (18) includes integration over and
since the integrations over
can be done by using delta functions. To use delta functions, we need to perform what is called reduction to the resonant manifold.
Consider, for example, resonances of type (17a). Given
, one can find
the resonant condition by solving simultaneous equations
After this reduction, a double integral
over and
is left. The domain of integration is further restricted by the
triangle inequalities
Numerical evaluation of the collision integral is a complicated yet straightforward task. Interpretation of the results, though, is more difficult, mostly due to the complexity of the interaction matrix element and the nontrivial nature of the resonant set. Starting with mccomas-1977-82, therefore, predictions were made based on a further simplification. This simplification is based on the assertion that it is interactions between wavenumbers with extreme scale separation that contribute mostly to the nonlinear dynamics. Three main classes of such resonant triads appear, characterized by extreme scale separation. These three main classes are
To see how this classification appears analytically, we
perform the limit of and the limit
Eqs (21-23). We will refer to the
limits as
IR limits, while the
will be referred as an UV limit. Since the integrals in the kinetic
equation for power-law solutions will be dominated by the scale-separated
interaction, this will help us analyze possible solutions to the kinetic equation.
The results of the limit of
Eqs. (21-23) are given by
We now see that
the interactions (25a, 27b) correspond
to the elastic scattering (ES) mechanism,
the interactions (25b, 27a,
correspond to the induced diffusion (ID). The interactions (26a, 26b),
correspond to the parametric subharmonic instability (PSI).
Similarly, taking the and
limits, of
Eqs. (21-23) we obtain
We now can identify the interactions (28a, 28b) to be PSI,
the interactions (29a, 30a) to be ES,
and finally the interactions (29b, 30b) as being ID.
This classification provides an easy and intuitive tool for describing extremely scale-separated interactions. We will see below that one of these interactions, namely ID, explain reasonably well the experimental data that is available to us.