Next: Definition of an ideal
Up: Joint statistics of amplitudes
Previous: Introduction
Let us consider a wavefield in a periodic cube of with
side and let the Fourier transform of this field be where
marks the mode with wavenumber
on the grid in the -dimensional Fourier space. For
simplicity let us assume that there is a maximum wavenumber
(fixed e.g. by dissipation) so that no modes with wavenumbers greater
than this maximum value can be excited. In this case, the total
number of modes is
. Correspondingly, index
will only take values in a finite box,
which is centred at 0 and all sides of which are equal to
. To consider homogeneous turbulence, the
large box limit will have to be taken.
Let us write the complex
where is a real positive
amplitude and is a phase factor which takes values on
a unit circle centred at zero in the complex plane. Let us
define the -mode joint PDF
as the probability for the
wave intensities to be in the range
and for the phase factors to be on the unit-circle
segment between
for all
In terms of this PDF, taking the averages
will involve integration over all the real positive 's and
along all the complex unit circles of all 's,
(1) |
where notation means that depends on all
's and all 's in the set
(similarly, means
, etc). The full PDF that contains the
complete statistical information about the wavefield
in the infinite -space can be understood
as a large-box limit
i.e. it is a functional acting on the continuous functions
of the wavenumber, and .
In the the large box
limit there is a path-integral version of (1),
(2) |
The full PDF defined above involves all modes (for either
finite or in the limit). By integrating out
all the arguments except for chosen few, one can have
reduced statistical distributions. For example, by
integrating over all the angles and over all but amplitudes,we have
an ``-mode'' amplitude PDF,
(3) |
which depends only on the amplitudes marked by labels
Next: Definition of an ideal
Up: Joint statistics of amplitudes
Previous: Introduction
Dr Yuri V Lvov