Next: Appendix A: derivation WKB
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Previous: Weak turbulence for inhomogeneous
In this paper, we developed a theory of weak inhomogeneous wave
turbulence for BEC systems. We started with the GP equation and
derived a statistical theory for the BEC kinetics which, in
particular, describes states which are very far from the thermodynamic
equilibrium. Such nonequilibrium states take the form of wave
turbulence which is essentially inhomogeneous due to the fact that the
BEC is trapped by an external field. There are two main new results
in this paper. First of all, we have described the effect of the
inhomogeneous ground state on the linear wave dynamics and, in
particular, we have shown that such an effect cannot be modeled by
renormalizing the trapping potential as it was previously suggested in
literature. This was done by deriving a consistent WKB theory based
on the scale separation between the ground state and the waves. Our
results show that the condensate ``mildly'' pushes the wave turbulence
away from the center but it can never reflect it (as an external
potential would). Note that we established this result only for the
limit of large occupation numbers described by the GP equation and
this, in principle, does not rule out a possibility that the the
renormalized potential approach can still be valid in the opposite
limit of small occupation numbers. Secondly, we showed that the
kinetic equation for trapped waves generalizes, and one can combine
the linear WKB theory and the theory of homogeneous weak turbulence in
a straightforward manner. Namely, the partial time derivative on the
LHS of the kinetic equation is replaced by the full time derivative
along the wave rays, while the frequency and the spectrum on the RHS
now become functions of coordinate. A suitable definition for the
coordinate dependent spectrum is given by using the Gabor transforms
instead of Fourier transforms. It is important to notice that the
coordinate dependence of the wave frequency has a profound effect on
the nonlinear dynamics. The resonant wave interactions can now take
place only over a limited range of wave trajectories which makes such
interactions similar to the collision of discrete particles.
Similarly to the case of homogeneous turbulence considered in
[13], the presence of a condensate changes the resonant wave
interactions from four-wave to three-wave if the condensate intensity
exceeds that of the waves. A distinct feature of the inhomogeneous
turbulence trapped by a potential is that if the three-wave regime is
dominant in the center of the potential well, it is likely to be
suddenly replaced by a four-wave dynamics when one moves out of the
center beyond the condensate reflection points where the condensate
intensity is decaying exponentially fast. Thus the same wavepacket
can alternate between three-wave and four-wave interactions, with
other wavepackets, as it travels back and forth between its reflection
points in the potential well. (The wavepacket reflection points being
further away from the center than the condensate's own reflection
Next: Appendix A: derivation WKB
Up: text
Previous: Weak turbulence for inhomogeneous
Dr Yuri V Lvov