Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) was first observed in 1995 in atomic
vapors of Rb [1],
Li [2] and
Na [3]. Typically, the gas of atoms is confined by a
magnetic trap [1], and cooled by laser and evaporative
means. Although the basic theory for the condensation was known from
the classical works of Bose [4] and Einstein [5],
the experiments on BEC stimulated new theoretical work in the field
(an excellent review of this material is given in [6]).
A lot of theoretical results about condensate dynamics are based on
the assumption that the condensate band can be characterized by some
temperature and chemical potential
, the quantities which are
clearly defined only for gases in thermodynamic equilibrium. Often,
however, the condensation is so rapid that the gas is in a very
nonequilibrium state and hence, one requires the use of a kinetic
rather than a thermodynamic theory [9,10,11]. An
approach using the quantum kinetic equation was developed by Gardiner
et al [9,10] who used some phenomenological
assumptions about the scattering amplitudes. Phenomenology is
unavoidable in the general case due to an extreme dynamical complexity
of quantum gases the atoms in which interact among themselves and
exhibit wave-particle dualism. Most phenomenological assumptions are
intuitive or arise from a physical analogy and are hard to validate
(or to prove wrong) theoretically. In particular, it was proposed that
the ground BEC states act onto the higher levels via an effective
potential. In the present paper we are going to examine this
assumption in a special case of large occupation numbers, i.e. when
the system is more like a collection of interacting waves rather than
particles and which allows a systematic theoretical treatment.
In what follows we show systematically that such an
assumption is not true for such systems. For dilute
gases, with a large number of atoms at low temperatures, one obtains
the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation for the condensate order
parameter [7,8]:
In fact the idea of using GP equation for describing BEC kinetics is not new and it goes back to work of Kagan et al [11], who used a kinetic equation for waves systematically derived from the GP equation ignoring the trapping potential and assuming turbulence to be spatially homogeneous [12]. A similar method has been used to investigate optical turbulence [13]. Classical weak turbulence theory yields a closed kinetic equation for the long time behavior of the energy spectrum without having to make unjustifiable assumptions about the statistics of the processes [14,15,16,18,22,24]. Second, the kinetic equation admits classes of exact equilibrium solutions [14,19,20]. These can be identified as pure Kolmogorov spectra [12,13,14], namely equilibria for which there is a constant spectral flux of one of the invariants, the energy,
Kolmogorov-type energy distributions over the levels (scales) are dramatically different from any thermodynamic equilibrium distributions. Thus, the condensation and the cooling rates will also be significantly different from those obtained from theories based on the assumptions of a thermodynamic equilibrium and the existence of a Boltzmann distribution. As an example, a finite-time condensation was predicted by Kagan, Svistunov and Shlyapnikov [11], whose work was based on the theory of weak homogeneous turbulence.
However, application of the theory of homogeneous turbulence to the GP equation has its limitations. Indeed, when the external potential is not ignored in the GP equation, the turbulence is trapped and is, therefore, intrinsically inhomogeneous (e.g. a turbulent spot). Additional inhomogeneity of the turbulence arises because of the condensate, which in the GP equation case is itself coordinate dependent. This means, in particular, that the theory of homogeneous turbulence cannot describe the ground state effect onto the confining properties of the gas and thereby test the effective potential approach. The present paper is aimed at removing this pitfall via deriving an inhomogeneous weak turbulence theory.
The effects of the coordinate dependent potential and condensate can
most easily be understood using a wavepacket (WKB) formalism that is
applicable if the wavepacket wavelength is much shorter than the
characteristic width of the potential well
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Note that idea to combine the kinetic equation with WKB to describe weakly nonlinear dynamics of wave (or quantum) excitations is quite old and can be traced back to Khalatnikov's theory of Bose gas (1952) and Landau's theory of the Fermi fluids (1956), see e.g. in [27]. It has also been widely used to describe kinetics of waves in plasmas, e.g. [28,29,30,31]. For plasmas, such a formalism was usually derived from the first principles. However, only phenomenological models based on an experimentally measured dispersion curves have been proposed so far for the superfluid kinetics. In this paper, we offer for the first time a consistent derivation starting from the GP equation which allows us to correct the existing BEC phenomenology at least for the special cases when the GP equation is applicable.
Technically, the most nontrivial new element of our theory appears
through the linear dynamics (WKB) whereas modifications of the
nonlinear part (the collision integral) are fairly straightforward.
Thus, we start with a detailed consideration of the linear dynamics in
section . Previously, linear excitations to the ground state
were considered by Fetter [17] who used a test function approach
to derive an approximate dispersion relation for these excitations.
Fetter pointed out an uncertainty of the boundary conditions to be used
at the ground state reflection surface. The WKB theory for BEC which is
for the first time developed in the present paper allows an asymptotically
rigorous approach which, among other things, allows to clarify the role
of the ground state reflection surface.
Indeed, as we will see in section 3, the WKB theory
is essentially different in the case when the condensate ground state
is weak and can be neglected from the case of strongly nonlinear
ground state. No suitable WKB description exists for the intermediate
case in which the linear and the nonlinear effects are of the same
order. However, in the Thomas-Fermi regime the layer of the
intermediate condensate amplitudes is extremely narrow due to the
exponential decay of the amplitude beyond the ground state reflection
surface. This allowed us to combine the two WKB descriptions into one
by formally re-writing the equations in such a way that they are
correct in the limits of both weak and strong condensate. These
equations will be wrong in the thin layer of intermediate condensate
amplitudes, but this will not have any effect on the overall dynamics
of wavepackets because they pass this layer too quickly to be affected
by it.
In section 4 for the first time we present a Hamiltonian formulation of the WKB equations and derive a cannonical Hamiltonian the form of which is general for all WKB systems and not only BEC. The Hamiltonian formulation is needed to prepare the scene for the weak turbulence theory. In section 5 we apply weak turbulence theory to write a closed kinetic equation for wave action. This kinetic equation has a coordinate dependence of the frequency delta functions. Notice that coordinate dependence of the wave frequency has a profound effect on the nonlinear dynamics. The resonant wave interactions can now take place only over a limited range of wave trajectories which makes such interactions similar to the collision of discrete particles.